Apron Tutorial

Look what I found this morning

I dont know what got into my mind this morning, but I thought I would hunt down a tutorial on this apron Ive been wanting to make. I came across this very nice persons youtube video and she had this quick and easy way of making the apron I am going to make probably this weekend.. What is awesome is she gives you the pattern too. Its all handmade, nothing is exact, but its beautiful. I already have some fabric, but its much heavier than what she uses. Now she makes me want to make a trip to Ikea just for the table cloth that she uses…and she said she only paid $5 bucks…I think I paid more than that for the fabric I bought, but its ok. I need a little heavier fabric for the torture I put aprons through… 🙂

Ok, go have some fun!!! And Thank you Anja, you got me inspired!!! I hope she doesnt mind me putting the link to her website below…she has a nice website too!

Her Website

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Wife, Sister, Mother, Friend, Artist, Creative, and an Assistive Technology Assistant!!! What the heck is that you say? I run an office where we have 2 awesome ATS who assist students with disabilities and we help give them a voice and an education!

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