Loving Healing Creative Summit

LHC Summit

Loving Healing Creating Summit
As a creative, you know how much you enjoy creating!

You probably know that you feel better when you do. But, did you know there is scientific backing showing how much it can lower your stress?  
Do you want to learn more about Healing with Creativity?
  • Breathwork
  • Journaling
  • Mediation
  • Art
  • Music
  • and much more!
I am one of the presenters in the Loving-Healing-Creating Summit running February 2-14. 
Register Today for FREE access from Feb 2-14
You get free access to each presenter for 3 days each.
If you want unlimited access you can have that for only $47 on the early bird special, (up to February 1, 2020).,
Hurry over so you don’t miss out on any of the amazing content.
Loving Healing Creating Summit 2020    Looking forward to seeing you there.
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Wife, Sister, Mother, Friend, Artist, Creative, and an Assistive Technology Assistant!!! What the heck is that you say? I run an office where we have 2 awesome ATS who assist students with disabilities and we help give them a voice and an education!

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