Keeping our world clean
Stock image from Pexels, but I thought this was a nice interpretation of the couple I saw!

I have to tell you about this beautiful little story. 


A few days ago, I was driving home from a Drs. appt. It was drizzling a little bit at that time, but not too wet from the rain we had earlier. While I waited at the stop light, this simple, cute, yet sophisticated elderly couple were crossing the street.  The lady was wearing a fun hat, a jacket and pants and was holding a grocery bag in her hand.  The elderly man was also wearing a hat, a dark jacket and dark pants.  He was a few steps ahead of her.  Once they were both back on the sidewalk, the man bent down and picked up a piece of trash and put it in her back.  She was so cool…she just reached out her bag to her husband while still walking…they never missed a step mind you, and he toss the trash in the bag..she put her arm back and just kept walking. 

I so wanted to take some pictures of them…not that I would post them here, maybe just a silhouette, but they were just out for their daily stroll…with a bag on hand just to pick up the trash. Now I know why Vacaville is always so clean!  That couple probably goes out walking around on a daily basis.  I dont think what the man picked up was recyclable.  It just looked like they remove trash as they go along their path.  The bag was small… 

I rarely see people picking up trash unless they were collecting the recyclables.  It was beautiful.  I suppose from now on, I will need to take a plastic grocery bag on my walks just so I can gather up trash…keep our environment clean and not so trashy looking. 

This is one thing that had drawn my husband and I to this area when we first moved here nearly 30 years ago.  How pretty and well maintained Vacaville is.  You can see the pride in this city if you really look hard.  We all take city workers for granite when it comes to how nice this city is. But we also miss out on those others who take care of this city like that elderly couple and even those who clean up recyclables so they can get a few bucks to survive in this world. 

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Wife, Sister, Mother, Friend, Artist, Creative, and an Assistive Technology Assistant!!! What the heck is that you say? I run an office where we have 2 awesome ATS who assist students with disabilities and we help give them a voice and an education!