Drifting (Together)


hands covered in paint animation

Tutorial Video now available!!!

After I painted this awesome painting… I thought it would be fun to take pictures of my hands… you know you have seen pictures on Instagram like this and its kind of fun right????  I did this once before, but this time I had hubby take pictures for me…  Today, she shows me this animation that my old ipad had done automatically and I thought…dang..thats cute!  So I did a tiny bit of photo-shopping…  just cropped the image and changed the speed up a tad…and viola!   It was a bit challenging for hubby to take the pics since my hair was in the way…silly boy also took a photo of the back of my head..  I am not sharing that photo…not that it looks bad or anything..it was just silly!

I updated this post to reflect the addition of the materials I used and the quick video of how it is done. I didn’t think this project needs to be a whole tutorial since it is super quick and easy to create. 

  • Materials used:
  • Rust-Oleum Metallic Accents Champaign This is the best metallic paint…it has full coverage with one layer and its beautiful!
  • Arteza Paints: I purchased these some time ago and the packaging was different than what they are today.  Price has also gone up since then too. But these are very nice paints.
  • White
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Gold
  • Mars Black
  • Phthalo Blue
  • Burnt Umber
  • 12×12 Gallery Wrapped Canvas They have some very nice canvases.  If you buy them in bulk, they are well worth the price.  Beautiful canvases.
  • Powdered Marble – Jerrys Artarama has a good price on this stuff. You get a lot, but you can search for it on Amazon too.  Its hard to find a good deal on the stuff though on Amazon. But, if you buy from Blick, you can get your canvases cheaper there than from Jerry’s Artarama.  Its all about the balance right?  😊
  • Scraper of your choice – no need to purchase a silicone scraper
  • Mesh spoon
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Cups
  • Craft sticks
  • Water
  • Floetrol – Lowes has this in stock and is reasonable. I like the Floetrol but it does get goobers, so you may need to strain it or put out the goobers as you pour it in your cups.  I use this in this project because its better than thinning with water.  If you use too much water, it breaks down the paint molecular structure and can cause lots of issues.  You can also use Elmers GlueAll, but I still find Floetrol to work the best to make your paints move.  You can use fluid paints as an option too.  I love fluid paints and you don’t use as much!


blues and gold acrylic painting on 12x12 canvas
Drifiting by Christina Miles

This is the final painting.  I mixed my own blue, added black gold white and champagne colored paints.  Lots of paint, drizzled, sprayed and scraped.  The final addition was the foiling on the top…so pretty in person.  The papers I created above, were scanned and enhanced in Photoshop.  I tried my best in the final image …t get the colors the most accurate to the actual painting. 

I have 2 monitors, so when I work with Photoshop, I get 2 different looks because one monitor is a warmer color and the other monitor I think is more true (this is the one I work on the most), but its so hard to tell…   So I do hope what you see is what I see.  The more vibrant colors, the richness of the gold, the deep blue…  Even with the warmer colored monitor, I think they colors are nice, just not as bright and rich… Next time I decide to by a monitor, I will make sure to get 2 of the same brands…LOL… 


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Wife, Sister, Mother, Friend, Artist, Creative, and an Assistive Technology Assistant!!! What the heck is that you say? I run an office where we have 2 awesome ATS who assist students with disabilities and we help give them a voice and an education!