Create Mess Clean Up Create

Create~Mess~Clean up~Create

Have you ever been so messy that every room you have that you use for art is so cluttered that you done know where things are anymore? And its not that you are being messy, its that you have been so busy creating and you get so excited that you use this and that…and it gets left on the table…or left in a spot that is not in its assigned spot. I am actually laughing at myself right now thinking about assigned spots.

I have 2 rooms I work out of. Yes, I am fortunate to have that option in my house. I have the “craft room” and our youngest son’s bedroom. We gave him the boot when he turned um…26 maybe? Hehehehe…actually he grew up and moved out on his own. So I took over his room too. Its supposed to be temporary, but you all know how that goes. The craft room is not yet remodeled. Life happens and we just dont have the time to install cabinets to the walls and rip out all of the nasty carpet… and just redo the whole room. I do have part of one wall semi completed. But I dont see it getting finished to get to step two any time soon.

So back to assigned spots…yes, I am laughing again…t-hehehe. I finally got some of these great make-up holders…I love them!!! Very expensive on Amazon, trust me I did the hunt…but reasonable at Home Goods and Tuesday Morning. So I bought several of them and started to add labels..this is where I have my assigned spots for pens, markers, palette knives etc. But lets be honest here… do you really every put things back in their assigns spots??? I do my best, but I tend to find things scattered..

So, I ask you, how did the open paint get on my desk, and inside this container that obviously has other paints inside of it that are different? Hmm…

No, this is where they are supposed to be! All 3 tubes are now put back in their assigned spot… No wonder I cant always find what Im looking for! Hehehe…

I would love to hear how you organize your stuff! Do you have any tips for those of us who have more than what we really need..or maybe not…for keeping track of where you left them last???? Put trackers on them? now that would be my style. Ask Siri… hey Siri..where did I leave my open paint cobalt blue… or Hey Google… where did I leave my reading glasses! Now that would be a GREAT INVENTION wouldnt it!!! You have special stickers that are trackers…hmmm…maybe I will email google or amazon… I could see Amazon with this system. Hey Alexa…find my #2 round paintbrush! Hey, maybe I am on to something here… Could you imagine the expense of those little stickers…each with GPS chips on them. It can be done Im sure of it!! Modern technology is amazing!!! And a pain in the behind.

Ok, I need to create another mess now so I can play again…that vicious circle of creativity!

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Wife, Sister, Mother, Friend, Artist, Creative, and an Assistive Technology Assistant!!! What the heck is that you say? I run an office where we have 2 awesome ATS who assist students with disabilities and we help give them a voice and an education!

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