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About This Course

Skills needed: watercolor painting and beadwork skills are a plus!

Instant Access 


Over 3 hours of instruction

DOWNLOADABLE: videos and PDF supplies and materials list


Techniques:  watercolor, beadwork, wirework

Please read about our Frequently Asked Questions below

Bona Dea is a Roman Goddess from way way back in time. 

She is best known as the fertility Goddess for both women and animals. The original painting I made of her she looked like my sister so she now has that painting.  Then I painted 2 other variations and this one is my favorite. She has a gentle look in her eyes and a slight smile which to me warms my soul. The little bird is singing love notes to express her joy of life. When my Aunt passed away years ago… it seems like I am drawn more to birds and see them everywhere I go.  I even had one stop in mid flight right in front of my windshield as I was driving to work one day not long after she passed and it turned its head and looked straight at me.  I swear it was my Aunt!!! Or sent by my Aunt…  🙂

Bona Dea Roman Goddess

I show you step by step how to add all the little bits.  You will show you how to create the flowers embroidered with some beautiful fiber.  You can choose your own fiber to suit your own taste and style.

I have many close up images to guide you through the process.

I also have a bonus video on how to make your own needle punch.  I suggest using some old polymer clay, and a 3 inch doll needle!  I love my needles..

What techniques will I learn in this course?
This is a watercolor project.  I show you the basics with using watercolor paints.  I also show how to stitch on paper including rosettes, making loops by hand using wire and sewing on seed beads.

Will I need special equipment?

You will need a needle punch and some thick foam of cardboard to protect your fingers while poking holes in the paper.

Where can I buy my supplies?

I provide a downloadable supply list with links to where I typically purchase my own supplies.  Many times, Amazon has what I need. I do my best to keep your cost down as I know art supplies can be costly.

About how long will it take me to complete this project?

With any project, time varies on you and where you live. I live in California and paints dry super fast.  Typical time, I would say this project can take 1 to 2 days.  When I work on projects like this, I can be done in about 3 to 4 hours.  But again, it depends on your skills, location, and how fast you like to work.
Is there anything else you teach in this course?
I show you how to make your own hole punch with polymer clay and an embroidery needle.  Best little tool I ever made!!!

What if I get stuck and need some help?

I am here to help you with any issues you may come across. I do have a day job so certain times of the day I may not be able to assist you right away but I will do my best to respond as quickly as I can. You can contact me by email anytime.

I can also help you through Zoom in real time if needed.