Mermaid Necklace

Aww…My Special Gift!

Check out my beautiful necklace I got for my birthday! 


Yes, a few days ago it was my birthday and I have been gifted this beautiful necklace from my other BFF in SoCal. Kathy is so funny, she says the necklace probably wont last because she is not that great at making jewelry.  But I beg to differ.  I think this is so fun and so me…and  the construction is great!  I love the design of this too!  She put together this fun poem too although she said it was just a description of the colors…I love it and I told her I would put this on my blog…  THANK YOU KATHY!!!!! <3 I love it!!!! and you !!!


Mermaid Necklace
Birthday Card
Birthday Poem
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Wife, Sister, Mother, Friend, Artist, Creative, and an Assistive Technology Assistant!!! What the heck is that you say? I run an office where we have 2 awesome ATS who assist students with disabilities and we help give them a voice and an education!

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