Hey There!!!

It is great to have you here. My name is Chrissy//Chris//Christine and my mother calls me Christina!!!lol

Welcome to the art world! As a mixed media artist based in California, I am excited to have you here with me on this inspiring journey of creativity. Art is a beautiful way to express oneself and find joy and beauty in the world around us.

I believe everyone is an artist, as creativity comes in many forms!

Hello and Welome to my website. Dont mind the gray hair, I am quite young at heart!

El Cuervo – The Raven

Transform your im-perfection art with me!


As a self taught artist, I understand the struggles of learning new techniques and finding my own path to creativity.  I have no fear of exploring new ways to create.


I would LOVE to have you  join me and learn to create your own path of im-perfection art.
Here Ya Here Ya

Current Announcement


Rippled Waves Artisnal Watercolor's link


~ Artisanal~



If you haven not heard, I have a new website called RippledWaves.  I am now making some super fun watercolor paints made from pure natural pigments, minerals, metallic pigments and a few other fun elements that are not pigments but make awesome watercolor paints.  Hope on over and take a peek.  Many of my newest online classes are watercolor paintings made from these paints.  I have them in sets and individuals and you can also get samplers such as Remnants, and Mini Colorwheels.  I am still in the process of organizing the site but much of it is up and available to purchase.